Fighting for Food Justice

Access to food is a basic human right. But we know that far too many people in our communities don’t know where their next meal is coming from or can’t afford healthy, nutritious, whole foods that will allow them to live their healthiest lives. An estimated 1 in 4 households in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity. 


The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated existing issues and pushed them into the spotlight. People of color are disproportionately affected by systemic inequalities around food access, and they are even more vulnerable now due to the outsized impact the health crisis has had on their communities. 

The Food Justice movement is an intersectional initiative that has been around for decades and aims to alleviate food insecurity, fights for fair wages for food workers, and advocates for food sovereignty and access to culturally appropriate food. The issues at hand are complex and longstanding, but advocates across the country work tirelessly to ensure that everyone has the ability to live a dignified life through access to these essential, life-giving resources. 

The work of organizations like the Agricultural Justice Project, Bread for the City, Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive, HEAL Food Alliance, and others, aims to address the various root causes of food insecurity - from policy issues to food deserts to land access - and empower communities to create meaningful and lasting solutions.

WE’re passionate about providing healthy food for all people, and one of our Pillars centers around creating a strong community through access to sustainably sourced, nutritious, and tasty food. So, it’s no surprise that food justice is a cause near and dear to our hearts. WE partner with organizations like Food1st, PinkTie, Feed the Fridge, and World Central Kitchen to do our part in alleviating hunger and ensuring our neighbors have warm, nutritious meals.
