Sustainability Series: How You Can Make Every Day Earth Day Through Your Lifestyle

WE’re continuing our Sustainability Series with tips on how to update habits to help protect the planet. Next up we have some advice on how to make broader lifestyle changes that will help align your actions with your values when it comes to living an environmentally friendly life!


Get Outside
Support causes like REI’s annual #OptOutside campaign that encourages people to get outside and enjoy nature instead of participating in Black Friday. This will help you connect with nature and ditch consumerism - and maybe it’ll become a regular part of your routine!

Don’t Use One-Day Shipping
WE know it’s hard to skip the immediate gratification of next-day shipping, but the no-rush alternative helps curb traffic, decrease pollution, and reduce the number of boxes being used.

Exchange Goods with Your Neighbors
A great way to find stuff you need and get to know your neighbors is through sites like Freecycle that facilitate exchanges of goods in local communities. As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!


Avoid Bad Corporations
Did you know? There are just 100 companies globally that have been the source of more than 70% of greenhouse gas emissions since 1988? It’s mind-boggling, but it’s true! Unsurprisingly, half of them are fossil fuel companies. In your own life, do your research on the companies you buy from or invest in to make sure they’re doing the work to protect our planet!

Want to learn more tips and tricks to live a more sustainable life? Check out our previous posts on how to make changes at home and on the go to help combat climate change. And stay tuned for the rest of the posts in our Sustainability Series that focus on planet-friendly habits you can incorporate with your family and while at work.
