Sustainability Series: How You Can Make Every Day Earth Day With Your Family

A major part of taking steps to combat climate change is to leave our planet better than we found it for the future - and that means for our kids (or nieces and nephews or other little people in our lives). Making personal changes is one key way to do this, but teaching kids the importance of sustainability will help them develop healthy habits that they can take with them as they grow up.

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The Virtuous Cycle of Circular Economies

Science nerds all know the first law of thermodynamics - nothing is created or destroyed, only converted. In linear economies, the things we consume end up sitting in landfills, leaking toxic chemicals into the soil and groundwater. In circular economies, products are transformed through key actions that help protect our planet - and WE think that’s a way better way of doing things.

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Alt-Protein Paths to the Future

Alt-protein farming is boldly tackling the roots of systemic issues plaguing our food systems - and it’s planting the seeds for a more sustainable future. There are tons of ways people are innovating to make this happen and excitement is budding for these new agricultural practices.

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Three Superpowers of Spirulina

Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on Earth - 3.5 billion years old, in fact. Not only that, it’s one of the most sustainable. Better yet, it’s really good for you. It’s no surprise that WE’re superfans of this superfood. Check out what makes spirulina so special.

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Celebrating Sustainability Heroes

Saving the planet can seem like a daunting task. But there are so many organizations that are up to the challenge of creating a better future for us all. Whether it’s through environmentally-friendly food or zero waste products, these sustainability heroes are the kind who don’t wear capes.

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Building Sustainable Food Systems for the Future

WE’re always thinking about what’s next - and WE’re not talking about trends for the next year or five years. WE’re looking ahead to the next 100 years and ensuring that what we create and consume today can help us build a better tomorrow. That’s what our Eat for the Future philosophy is all about - and WE’re not alone.

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Sea-ing Sustainability

It’s no sea-cret that WE’re big fans of all things sustainable. From day one, WE’ve committed to making donations and contributing to scalable farming solutions. In 2020, WE were able to get our first donation out there, with a $5,000 contribution to the Maine Sea Grant to help support research around seaweed aquaculture.

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Snack to the Future

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken up every aspect of our lives, including our relationship with food. Snacking has skyrocketed during quarantine, with people staying inside more, getting out less, and juggling more responsibilities at home.

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Fighting for Food Justice

Access to food is a basic human right. But we know that far too many people in our communities don’t know where their next meal is coming from or can’t afford healthy, nutritious, whole foods that will allow them to live their healthiest lives. An estimated 1 in 4 households in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity.

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The Beauty of Beans

Beans offer a bounty of benefits, and with more than 40,000 types of beans to choose from, there’s a bean for everyone! They’re cultivated all over the world, so wherever you are, you can bet you’ll find a bean for your next breakfast burrito. They’re also incredibly sustainable for the world to grow and consume!

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The Prolific Potential of Plants

Plants aren’t just for prettying up your apartment, though WE do love well-placed botanicals on a sunny windowsill. Switching to a plant-powered lifestyle can make a big impact on your health and the health of the planet!

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Community Partner Feature: PinkTie

Our mission to Eat for the Future means we want to create a better world by giving everyone access to nutritious, healthful food. Food insecurity is a longstanding, devastating issue affecting our communities, and it’s only gotten worse with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. The urgency to help our neighbors motivates everything we do, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without our amazing community partners like PinkTie.

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2020 Was Tough. But WE Were Tougher.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s the importance of community. WE came together to care for one another through the largest health crisis of our lifetimes, economic uncertainty, food insecurity, and a long-overdue social justice uprising. WE hope this has brought a little perspective to us all.

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