The Virtuous Cycle of Circular Economies
Science nerds all know the first law of thermodynamics - nothing is created or destroyed, only converted. In linear economies, the things we consume end up sitting in landfills, leaking toxic chemicals into the soil and groundwater. In circular economies, products are transformed through key actions that help protect our planet - and WE think that’s a way better way of doing things.
Circular economies are the path of the future - and like most things that aimed at saving the planet, they rely on principles of sustainability. Namely, the 6 Rs. The great news is that these principles are easy to apply to our everyday lives.
Meet Rethink, Refuse, Repair, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Image credit: Vegan Review
Rethink - Ask yourself, “Do I really need that?” It invites you to reflect on your consumption habits and their impact on the environment.
Refuse - Before you hit “buy” in your Amazon cart, consider the product, its packaging, and how it’s made. You - and the environment - might benefit from not making that purchase!
Reduce - Marie Kondo fans will particularly appreciate this one. Reducing means getting rid of the stuff you don’t need - in a sustainable way! - and consuming less.
Reuse - Here’s where you can get creative. Before you throw out that water bottle, can you turn it into a vase? Let your DIY talents shine before you discard potential treasures.
Repair - Does it need to be trashed or can you fix it with a little elbow grease? Surprise yourself with your ability to expand the shelf life of your possessions.
Recycle - Finally, we have our old pal, Recycle. Recycling is last on the list because it comes with a whole host of challenges, like the fact that only 9% of plastics created are actually recycled and that most of the plastic from the US is sent to China, which has suffered a backlog in recycling plastics since 2018. So, you can see how it’s important to practice the first 5 Rs before resorting to recycling.
There you have it. Six simple ways you can reimagine old habits and start new ones that will serve you - and the environment - well. Here’s to continuing the virtuous cycle of circular economies!